Outdoors activity

During our outdoors activities we'd like to promote an active lifestyle and a deep connection with nature, where children discover different environments. Below are some of the outcomes from Medi's outdoors:

• Individual quest - Athletics:

The development of basic motor skills and the discovery of the body's capacity and limits through different techniques, experiences and purposes of a range of physical activities. 

• Movement composition - Dance and Music:

Recognizing that movements can be linked together and refined to create a sequence of aesthetic movements. Movements can be in response to stimuli or performance elements and/ or criteria and can communicate feelings, emotions and ideas. (for example, gymnastics, dance, martial arts).

• Games - Spatial Awareness, Movement Games and Ball Games:

Recognizing the challenges presented by games; the importance of manipulating space; the categorizing of games; identifying and developing appropriate skills and strategies; recognizing the importance of rules and how they define the nature of a game; modifying existing games and creating new games; teamwork.

• Adventure challenges:

A variety of tasks requiring the use of physical and critical-thinking skills by individuals and/or groups; challenges that require groups to work together collaboratively in order to solve problems and accomplish a common goal; recognizing the role of the individual in group problem solving.

 What to Wear

• Appropriate sport shoes (sandals, crocs or flip flops are not acceptable Shoes).

• Outdoor vests.

• Sport trousers or pants (jeans and skirts are not acceptable clothes).

• Layers of clothing during cooler months so kids can take a layer off after they start running around and warm up.

• A hat for sun protection. Sun screen and a light rain jacket when required.

• A labeled water bottle.

Please send a medical certificate if your child is unable to participate in any activity. 

To assist with your Application, kindly refer to this step by step“Admissions”guide。