Medis' has a set of program standards for Science which are developped within the Global framework. Our standards are drawn from the American national curriculum and are instilled as part of integrated Units of Inquiry. Science does not appear as a ‘stand alone’ subject on kids' timetables - rather, it is embedded within units of inquiry each year.

Living things 

The study of characteristics, systems and behaviors of humans, animals and plants; their interactions and relationships within their environment

Earth and space

The study of planet Earth and its position in the universe, particularly its relationship with the sun; the natural phenomena and systems that shape the planet and the distinctive features that identify it ; the infinite and finite resources of the planet.

Materials and matter

The study of the properties, behaviors and uses of materials, both natural and human-made; the origins of human- made materials and how they are manipulated to suit a purpose.

Forces and energy

The study of energy, its origins, storage and transfer, and the work it can do; the study of forces; the application of scientific understanding through inventions and machines.

Science/Technology skills

1. Observe carefully in order to gather data

2. Use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately

3. Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences

4. Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored

5. Plan and carry out systematic investigations manipulating variables as necessary

6. Make and test predictions

7. Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order to draw conclusions

8. Consider scientific models and applications of these models (including their limitations)


Science / Technology



• Creativity and Innovation

• Communication and Collaboration

• Research and Information Fluency

• Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

• Digital Citizenship

• Technology Operations and Concepts

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