Social code

Social code applies in every personal, social or emotional interaction, these skills are developed throughout all the program. During each session and each level, the staff introduces and develops these interaction skills that are useful for day to day life


Kids have an awareness of themselves and how they are similar and different to others. They can describe how they have grown and changed, and they can talk about the new understandings and abilities that have accompanied these changes.

They demonstrate a sense of competence with developmentally appropriate daily tasks and can identify and explore strategies that help them cope with change. Kids reflect on their experiences in order to inform future learning and to understand themselves better.


The children interact, play and engage with others, sharing ideas, cooperating and communicating feelings in developmentally appropriate ways.

They are aware that their behavior affects others and identify when their actions have had an impact. Kids interact with, and demonstrate care for, local environments.

Behavioral manner 

Kids will be introduced into Medis' code of ethics and rules. In this way everyone will share a peaceful and enjoyable time exploring.

Sense of Responsibility

The children will interact with peers and different elements, creating a new way of interaction, caring and protecting each other. 

Ludic time

Kids will have a lot of fun while acquiring new responsibilities and norms. Children will enjoy their exploring process

To assist with your Application, kindly refer to this step by step“Admissions”guide。