The goal of our outdoor activities is to allow our kids to discover the world in different perspectives and to activate their creative thinking in different environments.
From mountains, beaches, city walks, but also provincial and international trips, we organize every excursion around the kids and their curiosity.

美迪斯 2022罗浮山露营之旅 | Medi’s 2022 Luofu Mountain Glamping

2022-11-22 15:50:23



美迪户外骑行日 | Let's go cycling!

2022-09-30 16:30:46

Let's go cycling!美迪斯户外骑行日    盼望着,春天的脚步近了。美迪斯的孩子们也在这春光明媚的日子里迎来了本学期的第一次户外。大家也一起跟随孩子们的脚步来拥抱春天吧!Looking forward to it, the footsteps of spring is approaching.Our children also have the first outdoors of this semester on this bright spring day.We also follow the footsteps of the children to embrace the spring! 本期户外我们来到了位于江北的东江公园,这里具有优美的环境以及非常便利的地理位置。In this period, we came to Dongjiang Park in Jiangbei, which has a beautiful environment and a very convenient geographical location.                                    户外活动最重要的当然是保护好自己,那么大家知道在进行户外骑行之前都需要准备些什么呢?The most important thing about outdoor activities is certainly to protect yourself, so do you know what you need to prepare before cycling outdoors?    孩子们已经穿戴齐全准备出发啦!The children are all dressed and ready to go!孩子们在体验骑行的同时也在锻炼他们的体能。学习在骑行中保护自己,感受美妙的大自然和欣赏沿途的风光。通过本次骑行孩子们还学习到了关于自行车的基础知识。The children are also exercising their physical fitness while experiencing cycling.Learn to protect yourself during cycling, feel the wonderful nature and enjoy the scenery along the way.Through this cycling, the children also learned the basic knowledge about cycling. 阳光洒下来,照耀在江面上波光粼粼,泛起一圈圈涟漪。孩子们在欢声笑语中一起度过了美好的户外时光。The sun shines down, shining on the river sparkling, ripples in circles.The children had a wonderful outdoor time together in the laughter.


美迪斯带你游历不一样的厦门 | Medi's takes you to a different Xiamen

2022-05-19 15:55:09

美迪斯带你游历不一样的厦门 | Medi's takes you to a different Xiamen疫情减少了大家的出游计划,但在我们美迪斯综合考量所有安全因素后,决定来到临近广东的海滨城市 —— 美丽的厦门!我们都在厦门做了什么?游玩了什么?见识到了什么呢?Let's check it out.第一天带着期待的心情,宝贝和家长们来到户外基地进行一次特殊的亲子活动 —— 造纸船我们被分成9个小组,在教练的指引下爸爸妈妈们齐心协力,一起将一张张平整的纸板制作成立体的纸船小朋友们则拿起画笔,在船身作画,画起了美人鱼、海星、小太阳等等..哇!爸爸妈妈们仅仅花了一个小时左右的时间九只船都get ready了!造好的小船 怎么能不下海试试呢?!看来~ 大家的造船技术都杠杠的!安全出海,安全返回超人爸妈们造船新技能get 成就感满满~午饭小息后,迎来又一小挑战划皮艇 —— Kayaking!!!你看 爸爸妈妈们都整装待发准备带着孩子们畅游一番能在旅行中跟孩子进行如此有意义的亲子活动是难得的很棒的体验!第二天睡眼惺忪的我们一大早坐车来到福建漳州市感受一下中国传统民居建筑——福建土楼感受别样的传统文化,独特的房屋构造和客家人的智慧。小朋友们挨着土楼的墙边... 仔细听... 你们听到历史传来的声音了吗?那天我们走了好长好长的路从圆形的土楼走到方形的土楼路过山河湖泊路过几座桥梁路过几户人家拿出iPad 记录下这些美好的瞬间这些和小伙伴们一起经历的美好时间我们有幸路过一座唱戏的亭子看了一场有趣的土楼木偶戏虽然听不懂方言,但孩子们都看得格外专注~ 第三天来到厦门,应该都会想要去他们的名片代表——鼓浪屿,感受小巷的历史,感受海岸线的风景。大伙儿一起乘坐轮渡来到这美丽的岛屿展开新一轮的探索前面会有什么等着我们呢?!一下船,Medi拿出一份地图小朋友们围成一个圈跟着medi一起认识了解身处的这片岛屿中都有什么地方有钢琴博物馆、有海洋王国、有日光岩...接下来,跟着指针的方向,孩子们踏上了寻找巨型八爪鱼的路...大街小巷 都充斥着孩子们的歌声Everywehre we goPeople want to knowWho we areWhere we come fromWe are Medi's ClubMighty mighty club~Medi告诉我们,原来鼓浪屿曾被英国殖民者占据像上面的这个马约翰体育场以前只有外国人才可以进来踢球哦Beginners跟Doris也玩得甚欢,不知道他们在纪念馆旁边说着什么悄悄话呢原计划去爬日光岩的我们被眼前这金灿灿的沙滩吸引得挪不动脚,纷纷迫不及待地赤脚下去玩沙子、抓小螃蟹这里的小螃蟹特别多,孩子们使出浑身解数去捕捉,都玩得不亦乐乎~第四天Beginner小分队跟着Medi一路上山只见前方的路越走越窄越来越具有挑战性但孩子们小小年纪都非常棒,没有哭闹,勇往直前最后到达山顶,俯瞰整个厦门全景希望小朋友们能将这种运动精神带到以后生活的方方面面去~登山的途中还有一个家长团建环节这次是家长们做,孩子们在旁边加油打气咯!齐齐解开Medi给大家打的“结”哇~ 这么大这么大的石头还有石头滑滑梯植物园里的东西这么大,我们像来到了巨人国呢还遇到了从未见过的动物,长得像兔子 但嘴巴尖尖?!你们知道这是什么吗?据说 厦门植物园是两个鼓浪屿那么大我们在植物园的活动时间比较紧张还没能够饱览植物园的各个角落呢下次还要跟小伙伴来 打卡仙人掌园才行~期待已久的厦门科技馆我们来啦~口罩戴好,校服穿好,迫不及待地要进馆游览玲琅满目的项目,孩子们都表现得非常兴奋呢! 注意注意:我们要进入前方人类的口腔咯!里面还有非常有趣的消化道滑梯~ 太开心了我们还跟爸爸妈妈乘坐蛟龙号沉入10900米深海,探索深海的奥秘~ 有珊瑚、沉船、潜水员、鲨鱼、水母还有怪异的深海生物.. 看得孩子们目不转睛我们还对电流有了深入的了解我们还亲自目睹了物质形态表现出来的电光真是又神奇又有趣科技馆有很多游戏和实验对孩子来说时间都不够~不想回家了呢厦门游学周的精彩分享就到这,每天的行程安排都非常有意义,也比较紧凑,对于孩子们来说,也是一个小小的挑战,但是游学周带给孩子们的意义也是非常重要的,孩子们都有了小小的改变褪去了一点点小稚气,多了些勇敢、坚持和忍耐,为你们的表现点赞!期待我们下次的美迪斯之旅哦~  


美迪斯沙滩露营活动 |A Wonderful Camping 2021

2022-05-18 15:17:34

精彩的沙滩露营活动  A Wonderful Camping 2021美迪斯本学期最有仪式感的露营活动圆满举办完成啦!Medis's most ceremonial camping activity this semester has been successfully held!活动前,老师们都齐心协力的在准备着,尽所能为大家提供一个安全舒适的露营环境。也正是因为你们才让这一次的活动变得更加精彩难忘~Before the activity, the teachers worked together to do their best to provide a safe and comfortable camping environment for everyone.It is precisely because of you that it makes this activity more wonderful and unforgettable ~接下来我们一起来看看记录下的精彩瞬间吧!Let's take a look at the wonderful moments recorded next!第一项活动是出海捕鱼,孩子们怀着期待的心情开始有秩序的登船啦,今天我们都是小小航海家,看看我们都会收获些什么呢?哇,有好多的鱼、螃蟹、虾还有鱿鱼呢~The first activity is to go to sea fishing, the children began to board the boat with an orderly and expectant mood, today we are all small navigators, see what we will harvest?Wow, there are lots of fish, crabs, shrimps and squids~回到海滩,宝贝们也没有闲着哦,他们正在协助老师们准备晚上篝火派对时需要使用到的木材呢。快看,孩子们正团结在一起搬起了这些大大的家伙,你们真的太棒啦~Back at the beach, the kids are not idle. They are helping the teachers prepare the wood they need to use for the night bonfire party. Look, the kids are coming together to move these big wood. They are really great ~夜幕降临,各个家庭聚集在一起,浪漫的灯光晚餐,精彩的露天电影。美迪斯给大家分享了美味的烤羊~As night falls, families gather together, romantic light dinners, wonderful open-air movies. Medi’s shared the delicious roast sheep.晚餐过后就是精彩的篝火派对,悄悄告诉你,我们的Roberto可是有魔法的哦,大家可要看仔细啦~ After dinner is a wonderful bonfire party. Let me tell you that Roberto has wonderful magic, you can look carefully ~Second Day第二天第二天,在沙滩集结,开始进行徒步和攀岩。小朋友兵分两路,初级班的宝贝和爸爸妈妈们通过乘船的方式渡过了一片浅滩,哥哥姐姐们则是步行抵达攀岩目的地。但是最终他们都突破重重困难完成了这一次的挑战。The next day, they gathered on the beach and began hiking and rock climbing.The children are divided into two ways, the junior class and parents through a boat across a shallow beach. Advanced are to walk to the climbing destination.But in the end, they all broke through the difficulties to complete the challenge.这次活动我们最需要感谢的还有来自大自然的馈赠,让我们能够穿行在丛林间,呼吸到新鲜的空气。所以美迪斯本着爱护环境的原则,在活动结束后也会把这次露营所产生的垃圾收集起来带走,离开时还给大自然一片干净的海滩。大家是不是已经开始期待下一次的相聚了呢?What we need to thank most is the gift from nature, allowing us to walk through the jungle and breathe the fresh air. So on the principle of protecting the environment, we will collect the garbage generated by the camp after the event to take away and give nature a clean beach.Are you starting to look forward to the next reunion?


划船安全 | Boating safety2021

2022-05-18 13:45:45

美迪斯户外 - 划船安全2021 | Outdoor - Boating safetyBoating safety划船安全 关于划船的知识大家都了解多少呢? About boating How much do you know? 想知道美迪斯的孩子们都是如何进行户外课的吗?Do you want to know how do all the Medi’s kids have an outdoor class?当我们在划船的时候需要怎么样才能保护好自己呢?How do we protect ourselves when we are boating?Boating safety                                                                                                                                                                                                                         首先,在户外运动开始之前大家一定要做好充分的准备!First of all, you must be fully prepared before the outdoor sports start! 对于划船来说救生衣一定是必不可少的!For boating Life jacket must be requisite! Captain的安全知识讲解简直太生动啦,每个小朋友都想要参与其中,同时也让他们感受到了划船的乐趣,大家已经迫不及待想要试一试了呢~Captain's safety knowledge explanation is so vivid, every child wants to participate. At the same time also let them feel the fun of rowing. They can't wait to have a try ~ Life jacket style show那么大家知道选择合适并且安全的救生衣都有哪些重要因素呢?尺码  SIZE                                                          COLOR合适度                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        FITCONDITIONLet's go boating!大家都记住了吗? 选择一件合适的救生衣在关键时刻才能保护好自己哦。现在就挑选一款属于自己的救生衣跟我们一起出发吧!Does everyone remember it?Choose a suitable life jacket to protect yourself at the critical moment .Choose a life jacket and go with us!Here we go!Happy timeEnjoyChallenge小朋友们都和爸爸妈妈一起度过了一个愉快的午后时光,我们一起乘着小船划过湖泊,探索丛林。你是否也回忆起了曾经和父母一起划船嬉戏的场景呢?The children all spent a happy afternoon together with their parents. We took a boat across the lake and explored the jungle.Do you recall ever going boating with your parents?另外偷偷告诉大家一个小秘密,为了保证所有人的安全,这次活动挑选的湖泊平均只有1.2米深,所以不用担心哦~In addition,  tell you a little secret, in order to keep everyone safe, the average lake selected is only 1.2 meters deep, so don't need to worry about it ~


美迪斯复活节活动 | Medi's Easter Event2022

2022-05-13 13:10:28

Medi's Easter Event 美迪斯复活节活动 为什么要过复活节呢? Why do we celebrate Easter?    春天是万物复苏的季节。经历了漫长的冬季,花朵和树木们重新焕发了生命的活力。春天也是庆祝复活节的季节。复活节是家庭的欢乐时光,同时也是大家聚集在一起庆祝生命的新生的时候。   Spring is the season of new beginnings. Flowers and trees come back to life after the long winter. Spring is also the time to celebrate Easter. Easter is a fun time for the whole family. It is a time to celebrate life together.           复活节的象征 The symbol of Easter 大家知道为什么兔子和彩蛋会成为复活节的象征吗? Do you know why do rabbits and eggs become symbols of Easter? 复活节的一大象征是小兔子。他们也都象征着生育力(生命力)。强大的生育力意味着可以生很多很多的宝宝。所以,复活节兔子代表着新生。蛋也象征着生命和新生。复活节彩蛋会用鲜艳的颜色来绘制。这些鲜艳的颜色代表着春天。   One of the symbols of Easter is the bunny, because they also symbolize fertility. Fertility means having lots and lots of babies. So the Easter rabbit represents new life. The egg is also a symbol of fertility and new life.Easter eggs are painted bright colors. These colors represent spring. 孩子们都在认真倾听着关于复活节的故事。 The children are listening carefully to the story of Easter.       春天到了大家以不同的方式去迎接新的生命。孩子们收集了地上的落叶把他们做成了一本锦集。 Time to collect all the dead leaves and put them in a book to make a herbarium together. It's spring time, so all the new plants are growing and the flowers are getting ready to blossom.     故事结束后,孩子们可以选择自己喜欢的彩色鸡蛋,还“长”了兔耳朵。哇,他们现在可以跳得像兔子一样高了! After the story, the kids got to choose their own colorful eggs and "grew" bunny ears. WOW look, they can jump as high as bunny now!        复活节的习俗 Easter Customs 有很多与蛋有关的风俗和传统。最常见的复活节活动还是寻找复活节彩蛋的游戏。美迪斯的爸爸妈妈们也为自己的宝贝们准备了琳琅满目的彩蛋。提前把彩蛋埋藏在土里,让孩子们相信彩蛋是复活节兔子在晚上带来的。快看他们正玩儿得不亦乐乎呢!   There are many customs and traditions associated with eggs.  The most popular Easter game is the Easter egg hunt. Our parents prepared a wide variety of colourful eggs for the babies to find. The eggs are buried in the ground ahead of time to make the children believe that the Easter bunny brought them in the evening. Look how much fun they're having!           找彩蛋活动结束之后满载而归的孩子们。 Every children has gained a lot after “Egg Hunt”.   1000颗彩蛋都找到它们的归宿啦。 The 1000 eggs have found their homes.


美迪斯露营活动 | Medi's Camping Event2022

2022-05-13 13:07:29

美迪斯露营活动 Medi's Camping Event   夏天悄然而至,孩子们也迎来了本学期的第一次露营。疫情限制了大多数人出行的脚步,那不如带上帐篷相约在户外来一场最贴近自然的露营吧! Summer is just around the corner, and the kids are going camping for the first time this semester. The epidemic has limited most people's travel steps, so why not bring a tent and meet outside for a camping closest to nature? 活动时间 PART ONE 家长和孩子们陆陆续续抵达了露营场地。当爸爸妈妈们在搭建帐篷的时候宝贝们则以班级为单位的参加由老师们组织的游戏,上演着一场班与班之间的较量。在游戏中表现突出的小朋友还会获得老师奖励的手环,获取手环的小朋友在晚餐时间能够换取惊喜哦! Parents and children trickled into the campsite. When mom and dad set up tents, the children took classes as a unit to participate in the game organized by the teachers, staging a contest between classes. The children who perform well in the game will also get a bracelet from the teacher, and the children who get the bracelet will also get a surprise at dinner time! 晚餐时间 PART TWO 孩子们都玩儿累了,也到了晚餐时间。快来看看PTO妈妈们都给孩子们准备了哪些惊喜呢!哇~有琳琅满目的零食,还有小朋友们最爱的烤肠、炸鸡块、咖喱鱼蛋和棉花糖呢! The children were tired and it was dinnertime. Come and look at the PTO‘s moms are prepared for the children what a surprise! Wow! There are a variety of snacks, and children's favorite sausage, fried chicken, curry fish balls and cotton candy!   晚饭过后不如一起来看一场精彩的露天电影吧~ After dinner, why don't you watch a wonderful outdoor movie together~ 表演时间 Show Time 电影结束后,孩子们以班级为单位带来了精彩绝伦的舞蹈表演,这一次小朋友们都自信满满地站上了舞台,享受着表演。最后妈妈们也非常给力,一曲荧光舞把整个晚会的氛围推向了高潮!一起来看看大家的表演吧! After the movie, the children brought a wonderful dance performance. This time, the children stood on the stage with full confidence and enjoyed the performance. In the end, the mothers were also excellent, and a fluorescent dance brought the atmosphere of the whole party to a climax! Let's take a look at everyone's wonderful show! 篝火晚会 Bonfire&Firework 露营当然少不了烟花和篝火啦!你肯定没有见过数以百计的人一起合跳本草纲目吧!快动起来,跟我们一起做畊宏男孩女孩~ Fireworks and bonfires are a part of camping! Surely you have not seen hundreds of people jumping “Bencaogangmu”together! Move your body,let's be "Genghong boys and girls“ tonight!  第二天 Second Day 伴随着鸟语花香,孩子们从睡梦中醒来。攒足了精神迎接第二天的挑战。 With the sound of the birds and the smell of the flowers, the children woke up from their sleep. Refreshed for the next day's challenge.   平衡带 Balance Belt 勇敢的孩子们最终战胜了内心的恐惧,完成平衡带的挑战,为他们点赞! Brave the children finally overcome the fear, complete balance belt challenge, thumb up for them! 登山 Climbing 登山可不是一项简单的项目,其中需要穿越丛林,跨越各种阻碍才能登顶。非常的考验孩子们的毅力,同时这也证明了美迪斯的孩子都是敢于挑战的小勇士! Climbing is not an easy task,which needs through the jungle, across various obstacles to the top. It is a test of children's perseverance, and it also proves that medis' children are brave to challenge the little warriors! 露营结束 The End 两天一夜的露营活动,让我们远离了城市的喧嚣。各式各样的活动更是拉近了美迪斯每一位成员之间的距离。在这里我们互帮互助,团结友爱,懂得了团队的力量。感谢大自然赠予我们的一切,感谢爸爸妈妈们的积极配合,感谢幕后付出的工作人员。让我们一起期待下一次的团聚! Camping for two days and one night, let us temporarily away from the hustle and bustle of the city. A variety of activities are closer to the distance between every member of Medi‘s. Here we help each other, solidarity, love, understand the power of a team. Thank you for everything nature has given us. Thank you for the active cooperation of mom and dad. Thank you for all the hard work behind the scenes Let's look forward to the next reunion!


美迪斯世界地球日活动 | Medi's The World Earth Day Event 2022

2022-05-13 10:57:55

美迪斯世界地球日活动 Medi's The World Earth Day Event    什么是世界地球日? What's the World Earth Day? 世界地球日(The World Earth Day) 即每年的4月22日,是一个专为世界环境保护而设立的节日。保护我们赖以生存的地球是每一个人的责任。现在也要把这份责任感传递给孩子们并且提高他们保护环境的意识,这就是我们美迪斯为什么要过世界地球日。 The World Earth Day is on April 22 every year. It is a special Day for The World's environmental protection. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the earth we live on. We should pass on the sense of this responsibility  to our children and raise their awareness for protecting our environment. That's why we celebrate it.     当然世界地球日不仅仅只是在4月22日,而是在我们生活中的每一天。 But the Earth Day isn’t just on April 22. It’s every day.    在徒步途中孩子们还学习了如何对垃圾进行分类。实施生活垃圾分类,可以有效改善城市环境,促进资源回收利用。 During the hiking, the children also learned how to classify garbage. Implementing household garbage classification can effectively improve the urban environment and promote resource recycling and utilization.               在我们的太阳系当中只有一个地球,保护它是我们共同的职责。让我们从东平岛开始,为我们的环境做出重要的贡献。 We have only one Earth in our solar system and it is our responsibility to take care of it.  Let's start our journey around dongping island and make a significant contribution to our environment.                              小小的手也可以改变世界 Little hands can change the world